What are the benefits of burning dry, seasoned wood?

Dry, Seasoned Wood
• Makes it easier to start, build, and burn hot fires
• Uses less wood to get the same amount of heat, meaning less wood to split and stack
Burn better
- To dry and season your wood, split, stack, cover and store it
- Use dry wood at least 6-12 months old.
- Split wood dries much faster than cleaner fire with more heat and less smoke whole logs, and smaller pieces burn cleaner.

Prepping for your Fire

Use all-natural fire-starters; some will burn up to 15 minutes, making it easier to get your fire going.
Natural fire-starters will also help warm your flue so it starts drafting sooner (pulling the smoke up your chimney).
Use small, dry kindling to get your fire started and add small pieces of firewood after it’s burning well.
Keep the stove door open for a few minutes to allow your fire to get plenty of air. It will start much faster.
Don’t leave the room until you’ve closed the stove door. Also, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Create space between pieces of wood to allow for better air flow.
Move some coals out from directly under the wood. This allows better air flow between the wood and hot coals and speeds up combustion.
Create a valley of coals then place your wood across the valley. This creates better air circulation so the wood ignites more quicky and burns more efficiently.
After loading the wood and once you see smoke in the firebox, use a long-handled butane lighter and “light” the smoky area to get fire going. This prevents smoldering.